Our Shield

Learn the meaning behind our school shield





The sun

The sun shining over the sea illustrates the sun going down that gives the name and flag colors to our province (Saundaun) and particularly describes our school, being the last high school on the west coast of PNG.

In biblical language, Jesus Christ is the sun, the sea our temporal condition, and the stars represent the saints, the children of faith. Jesus, the Sun that never sets, is on the top of the shield to cover and enlighten the whole creation and gives back to man his original image an likeness of the Creator. Although sometimes this sea is apparently unnavigable because of the wildness of its waves and storms, good sailors, like those of the West Coast of Vanimo, always appeal to the help above: the Sun in the brightness of the day and the stars in the darkness of the night. With a special brilliance, our mother Mary, Star of the Sea, comes as the succor to the man in need in the stormy and tempestuous seas of life. The light of Mary also forms part part of the cross, for just as the sun is indivisible from the day, so is Mary indivisible from the cross of Christ.

The symbols

The triangle represents our Trinitarian God, three persons and one, indivisible God. Inside of the Triangle is found the Southern Cross, representing PNG along with its heroes and saints, who are models for our students. The cross represents the missionaries and the canoe head represents our local community of Vanimo. We are so blessed and honored to have God himself as our school patron, model and protector. In Him we are immersed together with all our reality for in him we live and move and have our being. On the top is the southern cross, as our national emblem and distinctive of our continent of Oceania. It also is the cross of effort, surrender and self-denial for a greater love that we would like to shine in each member of HTHS, that cross that is “a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ Crucified the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor 1:23).

The starts, represent the saints and national heroes that enlighten our path and inspire us to follow their examples, such as Sir.  Michael T. Somare, Blessed Pete Torot, Gabriel Pratahe, Lucas Leky and many other models of our homeland.

On the bottom of the same triangle, over the sea, is the missionary cross, a sign of the evangelization and its missionaries who were the pioneers in education in Vanimo. At the beginning of this school, it was the Passionists, and today it is the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word. Hence, one finds the letters that represent our institute: V.C.F.E. (Verbum Caro Factum Est: and the Word became flesh). On the right, we find a distinctive and traditional symbol in the West Coast Vanimo area, where the first school institution was stablished in Vanimo (Lote), which is the “canoe head”, artistically formed by the most historically prized fish and seabirds. The canoe head marks the course of the canoe and indicates where to paddle. In this way, we also seek to form the intelligence of our students, with an integral formation, so that later they can guide their lives even in the stormy seas, so that they know where it is worthwhile to spend the efforts and energies of their lives. Thus, Our Lord said “set sail into the deep” (Lk 5:4), as John Paul II repeatedly encouraged the young people of the third millennium “´Do not be afraid!´ Do not be afraid to enter oceans that appear to be stormy, to swim against the current¨.

The IVE Missionaries, together with the local community, form the bases of this school by fixing their eyes on the realities above and working together in the education of youths for the glory of God and the good Papua New Guinea.

Our motto

“The Almighty has done great things for me” (cf. Lk 1:49),

“The Almighty has done great things for me” (cf. Lk 1:49) We take the words of the Blessed Virgin pronounced in the Magnificat: “He has done great done for me” as our motto because it was thus that the Most High worked in her the greatest event of all time: the Incarnation. God who becomes man to redeem us; God who becomes man so that man may become like God. These words will become those of the members of HTHS, prolonging in themselves the Incarnation, saying together with the Mother of God: “The Lord has done great things for me.”